Subject of contest: Trainer in the Field of Youth   Type of the contestant: Individual Expert or Legal Entity  Type of contract: Service Provision  Project Duration:  February 1, 2024 - June 30, 2026  Total number of working days for all components: 720 hours (90 working days)    "Youth Initiative Centre" (YIC) NGO within the framework of the "Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia" Project is launching a competition for experts in the field of  youth in order to involve them in the following components of the project.  Component 1. Capacity building of youth workers  A four-day training program is s...

Subject of Contest: Senior Expert in the Field of Youth Policy  Type of contestant: Individual Expert or Legal Entity  Type of contract: Service Provision  Project Duration: February 1, 2024 - June 30, 2026   Number of Working Days: 320 hours (40 working days)    "Youth Initiative Centre" (YIC) NGO within the framework of the "Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia" Project is launching a competition for two experts in the field of youth  policy in order to involve them in the following components of the project:  Component 1 (10 days) Development of guidelines for local youth policy quality standards ...

TITLE:  Mental health at work PLACE: Rustavi, Georgia DATES: 27 November – 02 December 2023   THE PROJECT AIMS to address mental health issues at work in general and mental health in the frame of youth work and NGO field.   THE PROJECT OBJECTIVES ARE: Gather a group of youth workers to engage a conversation toward Mental Health at Work, Learn psychosocial risks prevention theory through non formal education, Learn concrete tools to implement a mental health strategy at work, Lean concrete methods to identify colleagues’ mental health problems, Learn communication and awareness methods to launch the discussion about Mental ...

"Youth Initiative Centre" (YIC) NGO invites adolescent girls aged 13-15 from all regions of Armenia to the GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) girls' leadership and empowerment camp, which is implemented within the framework of the long-term program of “Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia”.   GLOW camps aim to develop leadership skills as well as highlight the role of girls in leadership.   There will be workshops on leadership, civic education, media literacy, human rights, volunteering, healthy lifestyle, environmental protection, philanthropy and meetings with experienced speakers. Participants will also gain pr...

TITLE: Inclusion Quest PLACE: Ogulin, Croatia DATES: 23–29 November, 2023   THE PROJECT AIMS to provide non-formal learning opportunities for improving training and facilitation competences of participants and to contribute to the quality activities of the youth workers’ community in the field of inclusion.   PROJECT OBJECTIVES: To provide space for learning and sharing experience. To introduce inclusion methodology through the Training of Trainers programme. To develop a booklet and implement follow up activities at the local level.   INVOLVED COUNTRIES: Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Albania, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Latv...

Action title: Mapping and Gap Analysis of Civic Education Tools and Practices,  Job Title: Individual expert-researchers or legal entities in the fields of youth, non-formal and civic education, Contract modality: Service delivery, Duration: 4 months (September 15, 2023 - January 15, 2024), Indicative number of workdays: 29 days (232 hours), Study coverage: National (the capital and all regions of Armenia).   Aim of the study: Within the framework of the project "Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia," it is planned to carry out the study and mapping of non-formal education, tools and practices of civic educati...

TITLE: "The ESC with ijgd in Berlin" PLACE: Berlin, Germany DURATION: September 2023 –August 2024 SENDING ORGANIZATION: “Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) NGO HOSTING ORGANIZATION: ijgd in Berlin   AIM:  The volunteers support the daily work tasks of the residents and employees in the shared flat, will be involved in the school as well as the associated after-school care, support and "special" contacts for the children, will be assisting a team of teachers and educators in a class of 20-25 pupils, will be working in the inclusive day-care, supporting a team of two regular educators and etc.   WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: The program is for 1...

TITLE:  DigitAll PLACE: Kaunas, Lithuania DATES: September 4 -12, 2023   THE PROJECT AIMS to improve media literacy among young people by using digital skills and meet fast growing requirements of the employers.    THE PROJECT OBJECTIVES ARE: To find the tools for digital competences to support employment, To improve media literacy among youth,  To promote interculturality.   Participants will have a chance to find out best approaches to improve and develop their Digital Competences (Digital Media, Presentation tools, searching tools) using non-formal methods as role plays, group work, presentations, debates, and other ...

"Youth Initiative Centre" (YIC) NGO invites trainers from Armenia to the "Capacity building of youth multipliers" training, which is implemented within the framework of the long-term program of “Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia”.   4-day Training in communication, leadership, organizational, project management, peace building and conflict-transformation skills will be conducted for youth multipliers from different regions.   RESPONSIBILITIES: Needs assessment through surveys, interviews and communication with target groups. Development of training modules to improve participants' specific needs and ...

"Youth Initiatives Center" (YIC) NGO invites youth workers aged 16-25 from all regions of Armenia to the "Capacity building of youth multipliers" training, which is implemented within the framework of the long-term program of “Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia”. 4-day training provides an opportunity to acquire knowledge on leadership, organizational, project management and conflict management skills. Participants who have successfully completed the training will be given the opportunity to participate in at various stages of the long-term program “Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armen...