TITLE: Winds of change PLACE:  Bydgoszcz, Poland DURATION: April 2025 –April 2026 SENDING ORGANIZATION: “Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) NGO HOSTING ORGANIZATION: Fundacja Wiatrak AIM:  The aim is to enhance education, promote cultural values, foster creative thinking through workshops, and support social integration by strengthening community connections. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: The program is for 18-30 years old, initiative, motivated young people with conversational level of English.  TO APPLY you need to send your CV and a motivation letter in English to evsyic@gmail.com  email address.   APPLICATION DEADLINE is February 17, 18:00...

“Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) invites young individuals aged 13-25 to participate in “Online Leadership Schools” which is implemented within the framework of the long-term project “Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia”. “Online Leadership Schools” are scheduled starting from February 8th and will proceed through two flows as follows: First flow: February 8, 15, and 22 Second flow: February 9, 16, and 23   Duration: 3 weeks, one online meeting per week and up to two hours of in-person work. All sessions are scheduled to begin at 12:00 PM and will last 4-5 hours with breaks. Format: Online....

TITLE: ‘’Shades of volunteering” PLACE:  Szeged, Hungary DURATION: March 2025 – June 2025 SENDING ORGANIZATION: “Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) NGO HOSTING ORGANIZATION: TALENTUM  FOUNDATION   AIM:  You will be invited to bring joy especially tokindergartens, schools, elderly people’s homes and disabledpeople’s houses. They appreciate your songs in your language, theywill enjoy dancing and playing with you or make handcraftworkshops with your leading. We are waiting for your proactivityand creative ideas as well. During your volunteering you would alsomake workshops, create funny outdoor activities and sportactivities. In conclus...

On the 29th of August in the frames of long-term project «Career Orientation Aimed at Community Happiness» (C.O.A.C.H.) Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO held a workshop for youngsters aged 14-18 entitled “Career of my Dream”.  The aim of the workshop was to support young people in defining their goals and coaching them for career orientation. The workshop was held by Emilya Yeganyan, Roza Simonyan and Mariam Darbinyan who were trained in the Czech Republic and Italy in the frames of the C.O.A.C.H. project.  The workshop was held in the format of a “Living Library” during which the representatives of different professions such as IT...

  “Open Youth Work Recognition in Armenia” project Youth is the basis for societal development, thus the attempts for revealing their potential and developing their competences are of vital importance for forming active and responsible citizens. The overall objective of the “Open Youth Work Recognition in Armenia” project is to assist to the institutional development of the open youth work (herein and after OYW) in Armenia through the advocacy of local and international experience and the improvement of public policies. The specific objectives of the project are: to study the international experience on OYW and the opportunities of its applicatio...

On September 5, within the framework of the program "Formation of open youth work in Armenia", the course "Open Youth Work" was launched in Gyumri.  In the course of the visit there was a component of the educational visit regarding open youth work, it was aimed at developing the opportunities of actors involved in youth work.  The event was attended by people working with young people, implementing programs for young people, employees of organizations and volunteers, employees of local governments and subordinate structures from different communities of the Republic of Armenia․Leading experts of the youth sphere of Armenia Anna Egoyan and Arthur Najaryan were the...

When: May 10-18, 2018 Where: Gyumri, Shirak region Aim: To empower 28 European Voluntary Service Mentors, to improve the quality of EVS projects through building capacities of EVS Hosting organizations and equipping EVS Mentors with vital methods to support and guide the volunteers towards the development of competences for future employment. Description: Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO (Armenia) in cooperation with ”Bremanger commune ” (Norway) is hosting a 7 days training course on mentoring in the framework of “Erasmus+” programme. The training course hosted participants from  Armenia, Norway, Greece, Poland, Romania, the Russian F...

When: April 1-8, 2018 Where: Gyumri, Shirak region Aim: To empower 28 European Voluntary Service Mentors, to improve the quality of EVS projects through building capacities of EVS Hosting organizations and equipping EVS Mentors with vital methods to support and guide the volunteers towards the development of competences for future employment. Description: Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO (Armenia) in cooperation with ''Bremanger commune " (Norway) is hosting a 7 days training course on mentoring in the framework of “Erasmus+” programme. The training course hosted participants from  Armenia, Norway, Greece, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federa...

Օn September 6, a press conference took place in Yerevan dedicated to the launch of the activities of ''Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps Info Centre in Armenia". During the meeting the president of Gyumri ‘’Youth Initiative Centre’’ NGO Artur Najaryan spoke about the goals, directions of activities, target groups of the Info Centre as well as the opportunities for youth, state, public and media organizations were presented. The Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Armenia H.E. Mr.Piotr Świtalski, Head of Youth Policy Department of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Armenia Tamara Torosyan and Program Coordinator at Natio...

When: September 15-22, 2017 Where: Gyumri, Shirak Shirak region Aim: To empower 30 European Voluntary Service Mentors, to improve the quality of EVS projects through building capacities of EVS Hosting organizations and equipping EVS Mentors with vital methods to support and guide the volunteers towards the development of competences for future employment.  Description: “Youth Initiative Centre” (Armenia) in cooperation with ''The Globe" (Czech Republic) is hosting a 7 days training course on mentoring in the framework of “Erasmus+” programme. The training course is hosting participants from Armenia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Netherlands, Croatia, ...