When: May 19-26, 2017 Where: Toros, Shirak region Aim: To develop competences of project managers on how to structurally design educational activities within KA1 projects of Erasmus+ programme by focusing on the aspects of its quality, monitoring, learning and evaluation.  Description: Gyumri Youth Initiative Centre from Armenia in cooperation with “Kultur Aktiv” e.V. from Germany is hosting a 7 days training course on project management, monitoring and evaluation in the frames of European Commission “Erasmus+” programme. The training course is hosting 30 youth leaders, youth workers and project managers from Georgia, Germany, Italy, Poland, Moldova,...

When: October 24-31, 2016 Where: Toros, Shirak region Aim: To empower 29 European Voluntary Service Mentors from Armenia, Germany, the Russian Federation, Moldova, Estonia, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine to improve the quality of EVS projects through building capacities of EVS Hosting organizations and equipping EVS Mentors with vital methods to support and guide the volunteers towards the development of competences for future employment. Description: Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” in cooperation with Fairbund e.V. organization (Germany) hosted a 7 days training course on mentoring in the framework of “Erasmus+” programme from 24th to 31st of October, 201...

Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO with the support of RA Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs carries out a 4-day seminar “Youth Work - Youth Worker” aimed at education of youth workers and raising their awareness. The seminar is held in Gyumri from 27th of June to 1st of July, 2016. The aim of the project is the development of the institute of youth work, youth workers’ functions, revealing and discussing issues concerning their capacities during a 4-day training. The training has hosted 20 participants from all regions of Armenia. The seminar is implemented in the frame of “Gyumri 2016 Youth Capital” project. See more Shirak TV review...

Gyumri ''Youth Initiative Centre'' NGO in cooperation with university-employer cooperation centre of Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute implements a project titled "Skilled and Competitive Youth". The project aims to contribute to raising of students' competitiveness in the labor market through the development of personal and professional skills. 25 students of Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute's Bachelor 4th and Master 1st year participate in the project. Project is implemented in the framework of ''Gyumri Youth Capital of 2016'' with the support of Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of RA.    See more Tsayg TV review GSPI First Studio review...

When: October 20-27, 2015 Where: Toros, Shirak region Aim: to enabling the youth workers to demonstrate a more constructive and systematic approach when dealing with conflicts in youth work Description: Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO in cooperation with Czech ''The Globe" organization hosted a 7-days international training course on conflicts in youth work in the framework of "Erasmus+" programme from October 20th to October 27th, 2015. The Training Course is designed for Youth Workers and Youth Leaders who are directly working with groups of young people and want to develop their individual skills and create an international cooperation in youth wo...

  When: October 6-13, 2015 Where: Toros, Shirak region Aim: To foster cooperation between EVS Organizations in Europe aiming at increased quality and innovation in EVS through the exchange of good practices. Description: YIC NGO hosted a 7-days international partnership building seminar on European Voluntary Service in the framework of "Erasmus+" programme from October 6th to October 13th, 2015.  The participants of the seminar were 28 EVS coordinators coming from Armenia, Germany, Moldova, Spain, Austria, Greece, Portugal, and Italy, who would acquire skills of improving the quality of EVS projects through building capacities of EVS Hosting orga...

When: July 8-15, 2015 Where: Toros, Shirak rgion Aim: To empower 24 European Voluntary Service Mentors from Armenia, Georgia, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine to improve the quality of EVS projects through building capacities of EVS Hosting organizations and equipping EVS Mentors with vital methods to support and guide the volunteers towards the development of competences for future employment Description: “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO hosted a 7-days international training course on EVS Mentoring in the framework of "Erasmus+" programme. The participants of the training course had an opportunity to visit to various EVS Sending and Hosting o...

When. November, 2012 Aim. Introduce the methods on creating a corporative image and runles ofrespecting the business etiquetteto the organization’s staff Description. YIC is always organizing staff and professional development trainings on different topics for the YIC staff as well as for the representatives of other organizations. Meeting the staff needs YIC organized a training on “Corporative image and business etiquette” topic which was facilitated by “Peace Corps Armenia” regional business development project manager Stepan Shoyan.    ...

When: January 24 – 30, 2014 Where: Aghveran, Kotayk region Aim: Developing participants’ competences in enhancing youth workers involvement and active participation in youth policy development and implementation. Description: “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO in the framework of European Commission “Youth in Action” programme hosted an international training course in Aghveran. During the project the participants had the chance to develop their knowledge and understanding on youth policy in general, to gain skills and competences and get tools on how to involve and empower youth to be involved in youth policy development and implementation process on lo...

When: December 3 - 9, 2013 Where: Dilijan, Armenia Aim: Enabling the youthworkers to demonstrate a more constructive and systematic approach when dealing with conflicts in youthwork. Description: Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO in cooperation with Czech Zemekoule in the frameworks of the project “Let’s get it over” of “Youth in Action” program hosted 24 participants from Armenia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Croatia, Ukraine and Estonia on December 03-09, 2013 in Dilijan. 7-day international training course on conflict management in youth work.       See more  ...