Stamp it yourself
Where: Aghveran, Kotayk region
Aim: Developing participants’ competences in enhancing youth workers involvement and active participation in youth policy development and implementation.
Description: “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO in the framework of European Commission “Youth in Action” programme hosted an international training course in Aghveran. During the project the participants had the chance to develop their knowledge and understanding on youth policy in general, to gain skills and competences and get tools on how to involve and empower youth to be involved in youth policy development and implementation process on local level. During the project a recommendation package was developed on youth policy development and implementation as well as on involving youth in decision making process. The recommendations were presented during the meeting to the head of the youth policy department of the Ministry of Youth and Sport Affairs of Armenia Armen Papinyan. During the meeting the head of youth policy department Armen Papinyan presented national youth policy, its activities and developments to the participants and the participants in their turn presented the experience and improvements of their countries. During the TC participants also had the chance to develop their follow-up projects which will be coordinated by the project team, will be brought to final versions and will be implemented by the participants. The participants had the opportunity to get to know Armenian culture and visit various Armenian picturesque and historical sites. Thanks to cultural events and non-formal meetings organized by the participants other countries’ cultures were presented as well.
The training brought together 28 young people from Armenia, Turkey, Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova, Czech Republic and Ukraine.