TITLE: “It starts with You(th)!” PLACE: Bratina, Croatia DATES: March 20-27, 2018 The main objectives of the Project are: to support professional development of youth workers and youth to promote intercultural and interreligious dialogue to promote social inclusion and solidarity towards asylum seekers and all other groups in the society to promote difference, tolerance and importance of human rights WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: participants should be at least 18 years old youth workers, active young people and youth leaders who work with migrants, with marginalized youth or youth with fewer opportunities. PARTICIPATION FEE: 50 EUR The pa...

We are glad to inform you that according to the results of tender announced by SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre for the coordination of activities of Erasmus+ Youth. Info Centres, Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre’’ NGO is announced to do the coordination of Erasmus+ Youth. Info Centre in Armenia....

I knock on the door and come in. It is the time of Turkish Club. One of the participants reads “sach uzu, acly kisa, then translates “long hair, short brain”. - Our elders also say so, - the other participants add with laughter and then continue reading. It has been 2 years since 2016 that Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO has been implementing Turkish Club. The club leader is YIC member Karapet Ayvazyan, who has lived in Istanbul for several years and now shares his knowledge with the club's participants. He says everything started with one of YIC hiking days. This was the first time he got acquainted with the organization and came with the idea of...

We are glad to inform, that Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO announces a new English clubs for beginners and advanced learners. If you want to learn English or improve your knowledge, then hurry up to register online through this link. The deadline for registration is January 31. The first meeting of Beginners Club will take place on February 3, at 15:00 Advanced Club will take place on February 7, at 16:00 In case of questions call 095 91 91 97 (except Mondays and Sundays) or visit YIC office at Shahumyan 69 (Arevamanuk bld, 1st floor)....

On January 17, Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” and “Shirak Regional State College” SNCO signed a Memorandum of Understanding on youth cooperation. The document was signed by Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO president Artur Najaryan and “Shirak Regional State College” SNCO principal, Emma Petrosyan. The goal of the memorandum is to support strengthening of partnership between the parties, providing opportunity for students and lecturers to participate in YIC NGO partnership programmes organized within the framework of the EU “Erasmus+” programme....

PLACE: Klodzko, Poland DURATION: March-September 1, 2018 HOSTING ORGANIZATION: “Zespol Szkół Spolecznych” AIM: To empower and assist young people in their personal and social development, to provide a safe and supportive environment for young people to realize and achieve their full potential. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: The program is for 18-30 years old, active, motivated young people with conversational level of English. TO APPLY you need to send CV and a motivation letter in English to the following-mail, evs.sending@yic.am APPLICATION DEADLINE is January 24, 18:00. In case of further questions you can contact Mariam Gharagyozyan at mariam.ghar...

TITLE: Keep changing in to change out PLACE: Georgia DATES: March 1-8, 2018 PROJECT is designed for youth workers in order to provide tools of emphatic communication and conflict transformation that they can use in their personal life and improve their social work and engagement. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: participants should be at least 18 years old youth workers, active young people and youth leaders who are new in youth work and NGO sector. PARTICIPATION FEE: 30 EUR Working language is ENGLISH. To apply for the project, please go through this link. THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS: January 22, 2018, by 18:00.  Should you have additional questi...

PLACE: Senica, Slovakia DURATION: April 1, 2018 - March 31, 2019 HOSTING ORGANIZATION: “ Europe Direct Senica ” (www.facebook.com/edsenica) AIM: To empower and assist young people in their personal and social development, to provide a safe and supportive environment for young people to realize and achieve their full potential. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: The program is for 18-30 years old, active, motivated young people with conversational level of English. TO APPLY you need to send CV and a motivation letter in English to the following e-mail address: evs.sending@yic.am APPLICATION DEADLINE is January 20, 10:00. In case of further questions you can ...

For a long time, I had been appealing to different institutions, both governmental and non-governmental organisations, to participate in international programs, but for some reason, or sometimes, without reason, it was not possible to overcome the established competition threshold and all I got were… refusals. A good friend of mine, Gayane, who was well-informed about all my efforts and attempts, advised me to visit one organization in Gyumri. She, in fact, knew that organization's mission, fair and impartial working style. And of course she knew the staff, which, fortunately, was not the staff I imagined. The organization was Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NG...

On December 28, Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO celebrated the New Year and the 9th anniversary of the organisation. Not only friends, members and beneficiaries were present on the last event of the year, but also representatives of partner organisations, who had worked and cooperated with YIC throughout the year. Summing up the year Gymuri “Youth Initative Centre”  have rewarded partner organizations, state, media and public sector representatives for good cooperation and for their active participation and support in youth issues. The titles "Member of the Year", "Stuff Member of the Year" and "Best friends of YIC" are also have rewarded. . &...