When: May 10-18, 2018 Where: Gyumri, Shirak region Aim: To empower 28 European Voluntary Service Mentors, to improve the quality of EVS projects through building capacities of EVS Hosting organizations and equipping EVS Mentors with vital methods to support and guide the volunteers towards the development of competences for future employment. Description: Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO (Armenia) in cooperation with ”Bremanger commune ” (Norway) is hosting a 7 days training course on mentoring in the framework of “Erasmus+” programme. The training course hosted participants from  Armenia, Norway, Greece, Poland, Romania, the Russian F...

NAME: LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL CHALLENGE! PLACE: Szeged, Hungary DURATION: July 15 - August 15, 2018 HOSTING ORGANIZATION: “Talentum” foundation AIM: To develop local youth’s cultural sensitivity, increase self-esteem and improve language skills. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: The program is for 18-30 years old, initiative, motivated young people with conversational level of English. The experience of working with youth will be an asset. TO APPLY you need to send your Europass CV and a motivation letter in English to evs.sending@yic.am email address. APPLICATION DEADLINE is May 25th. More details about the project can be found in the info pack. In c...

TITLE: OUTDOOR L.O.V.E. (LABORATORY OF VARIOUS EMOTIONS) PLACE: Atskuri, Georgia DATES: July 12-22, 2018 Main objectives of the project Becoming more aware about Emotional Intelligence as a crucial transversal competence both for personal and social well-being as well as successful tool for working with young people in youth work context and promoting their empowerment Exploring and reflecting on own (participant’s) emotional intelligence skills through real-life situations of interacting with others during the training and experiencing different challenges during the 2 days Hike in mountains Identifying competency gaps in applying emotional intellig...

TITLE: “Connect the Dots” PLACE: Gyumri, Armenia DATES: May 10 -18, 2018 The Training Course is aimed at fostering cooperation between 24 representatives of EVS Organizations from Armenia, Germany, Estonia, Czech Republic, Poland, Georgia, The Netherlands, Moldova, Russian Federation, Italy, Spain and Belarus aiming at increased quality and innovation in EVS through the exchange of good practices. The working language of the training course is ENGLISH. Applicants should be at least 18 years old, EVS support people, EVS coordinators, EVS Mentors/Tutors and have experience in youth work. PARTICIPATION FEE: 25 EUR To apply for the project, plea...

TITLE: “(Dis)appearing (dis)abilities with Schuman Volunteers” PLACE: Poland DURATION: October 1, 2018 - June/September, 2019 (depending on the hosting organization) COORDINATING ORGANIZATION: “The Polish Robert Schuman Foundation” AIM: To change the way of thinking about disabilities by focusing on abilities - actions that we can undertake to increase the participation of people with disabilities in our society. Main aim of the project is to promote common values as solidarity, tolerance and respect for human dignity and rights by increasing knowledge about and understanding for people with disabilities who face the risk of exclusion and marginalizati...

NAME: "Unlock the World" PLACE: Craiova, Romania DURATION: August 1, 2018 - April 4, 2019 HOSTING ORGANIZATION: “EXPLORATOR” AIM: To improve the situation of people with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) from partner communities through public awareness actions and creating a support network for families and people with ASD. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: The program is for 18-30 years old, active, motivated young people with conversational level of  English. The specialization of social worker and the experience of working with vulnerable youth will be an asset. TO APPLY you need to send CV and a motivation letter in English to the following-mail, evs.se...

When: February – August, 2018   Aim: To promote volunteerism and intercultural communication through peer-to-peer learning and non-formal educational activities. Volunteer’s Tasks: To support in organizational activities of “Friday’s Cafe”, to plan, prepare and run French club....

When: April 1-8, 2018 Where: Gyumri, Shirak region Aim: To empower 28 European Voluntary Service Mentors, to improve the quality of EVS projects through building capacities of EVS Hosting organizations and equipping EVS Mentors with vital methods to support and guide the volunteers towards the development of competences for future employment. Description: Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO (Armenia) in cooperation with ''Bremanger commune " (Norway) is hosting a 7 days training course on mentoring in the framework of “Erasmus+” programme. The training course hosted participants from  Armenia, Norway, Greece, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federa...

On March 31 Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO members non-formal meeting was held in the “Youth House” Open Youth Centre. During the meeting, the “Youth House” team spoke about the establishment of the centre, its importance for the youth and the working format of the centre. Then the meeting continued in a warmer atmosphere, allowing the members and staff members to communicate with each other and to enjoy a pleasant time by getting acquainted with the centre's working area. * “Open youth work: Empowering young people in Gyumri” project is co-funded by the European Union and is being implemented within Small Grant Scheme of "Support to Civil Society O...