TITLE: SPARK! PLACE: Nowy Gierałtów, Poland DATES: 30 March – 07 April, 2020   THE PROJECT AIMS at empowering and building up the competences of youth workers to initiate, support and run social initiatives and projects by and for young people based on youth & community needs, with a focus on social entrepreneurship. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: Participants should be at least 18 years old youth workers, youth leaders, mentors and coaches who are interested in social entrepreneurship and carry out daily work with youngsters.      Working language is ENGLISH.  The Armenian team will consist of 3 participants. Food and ...

TITLE: Agents of Change PLACE: Galway, Ireland DATES: 27 April – 01 May, 2020       THE PROJECT OBJECTIVES ARE: To hear and collect the experiences of youth workers in empowering young people;To experience and exchange inspirational tools and methods which encourage empowerment that can be transferred to working reality.To examine what is needed in youth work to empower young people;To examine what obstructs empowerment and identify ways of eliminating or minimising these obstructions;To create the basis for a developmental, empowering training programme for young people;To discover the value of the Erasmus+ youth progr...

TITLE: CARE ABOUT FUTURE PLACE: Sheregesh, Kemerovo region, Russia DATES: April 2-8, 2020          THE PROJECT IS AIMED at raising the awareness of youngsters on climate change and find out ways how to use the limited geographical conditions for tourism development.  Participants will have the opportunity to discover the Siberian beauty and its rich touristic/resort experience. The project will be implemented with non-formal methodologies. On the train from Moscow to Sheregesh participants will see the natural beauty of Russia and interact with the other travellers for example through an intercultura...

TITLE: CARE ABOUT FUTURE PLACE: Sheregesh, Kemerovo region, Russia DATES: April 2-8, 2020          THE PROJECT IS AIMED at raising the awareness of youngsters on climate change and find out ways how to use the limited geographical conditions for tourism development.  Participants will have the opportunity to discover the Siberian beauty and its rich touristic/resort experience. The project will be implemented with non-formal methodologies. On the train from Moscow to Sheregesh participants will see the natural beauty of Russia and interact with the other travellers for example through an intercultural ev...

TITLE:  Supporting the Entrepreneurship Journey (SEJ) PLACE: Rascafría, Spain DATES: April 21-27, 2020      THE PROJECT IS AIMED at young leaders and youth workers willing to enhance their competences  in the field of social entrepreneurship. Participants will work with useful and inspiring non-formal education tools through interactive and dynamic sessions. THE PROJECT OBJECTIVES ARE: To give the opportunity to participants to learn key elementsand concepts of being entrepreneurial and discover how to support social entrepreneurship;To get to know the entrepreneurial competences and the useful tool EntreCompand its application in th...

Երբ. Դեկտեմբերի 5, 2015 Նկարագրություն. Գյումրու «Երիտասարդական նախաձեռնությունների կենտրոն» հասարակական կազմակերպությունը «Ղայդով նախաձեռնության 2015»-ի շրջանակներում հայտարարել էր Շիրակի մարզում կամավորությունը և երիտասարդական նախաձեռնությունները խրախուսող գաղափարների մրցույթ`նվիրված կամավորության միջազգային օրվան: Մրցույթում հաղթող էր ճանաչվել Դավիթ Հարոյանի ...

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         Title: “ URA-You are Able 3”Place: Toros, ArmeniaDates: 8-15 November, 2015“Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) NGO is inviting you to take part in “URA-You are Able 3” international Training Course on Volunteering and Employability. The  aim of the training course is to promote volunteering as a learning mechanism for increasing youth employability. It will introduce types of voluntary activities that lead to youth capacity development and increased competitiveness in the job market.The deadline for applications is November 4th, 2015, by 17:00. *Applicants should be at least 18 years o...