On September 18, a Youth Forum took place in Yerevan and the Gyumri Youth Initiative Centre was present in the event. The aim of the forum was to contribute to the development of 2018-2022 Armenian National Youth Policy ensuring stakeholder participation in the process. The main part of the forum was held in 5 separate thematic groups. One of them, ''Youth work and lifelong learning'' group was fasilized by YIC Board Chairperson Anna Yeghoyan and YIC NGO Presedent Artur Najaryan. Beside, YIC Mobility Projects Cordinator Valya Martirosyan presented Erasmus+ Youth. Info Centre Armenia in the "International Youth Cooperation, Intercultural Dialogue and Youth Movement" ...

On July 4, 2017 Gyumri Youth Initiative Centre NGO and Hrant Dink Foundation announced the launch of the programme ''Beyond Borders 2017-2019'': Turkey-Armenia Dialogue Programmes, Travel Grant and Fellowship Scheme, funded by UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund. A press conference took place during which The Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Judith Farnworth delivered opening remarks. The organizers and guests of the event spoke about Armenia-Turkey cooperation, highlighting the mutual ties between two countries in different fields: science, culture, art, youth and volunteerism, journalism, education, business, etc...

On June 30, Gyumri Youth Initiative Centre hosted the leaders of IMPACT non-formal youth clubs of World Vision Armenia International Charitable Organization in Tavush Marz, who were on a study visit to YIC. During the meeting the activities of both organizations were presented and some of the volunteers from YIC shared their experiences and told about the way they passed with the organization.          See more...

On June 17, 2017 the farewell event for Christian Kensmark (Denmark) took place, who used to do volunteering in Gyumri within the framework of European Voluntary Service (EVS) program. Christian has been volunteering for ten months at Gyumri Youth Initiative Center by organizing different projects like the "Friday Café" and English teaching at Lord Byron School No. 20. During the event, EVS Coordinator Mariam Gharagyozyan awarded the volunteer with a Certificate of Appreciation and YouthPass for his work. In turn, Christian shared his impressions of Armenia and experience gained over the past ten months.              ...

Օn May 27, a day long non-formal ''Green training'' on environmental education took place in YIC NGO . The training was run by Cansu Yetisgin within the framework of Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme, implemented by Hrant Dink Foundation. Throughout the training, participants went out to discover the environment we live in, learnt about an ecosystem work and fundametal systems, discussed the ethics and morals and learn about the threats Earth is facing.            See more...

From 14 to 25th of May  informative meetings took place in Shirak regional state college, Shirak State University and in National Polytechnic University Gyumri Branch. Meetings were organized by Gyumri Youth Initiative Centre (YIC) with the participation of the students and faculty. At the beginning of the meeting the president of the organization Artur Najaryan, PR manager Lilit Sargsyan and the Project Managers Mariam Gharagyozyan and Valya Martirosyan presented the mission of the organization, the main directions and types of activities, as well as local and international opportunities that the organization provides to young people for their educational, cultural, per...

On May 12 information fair was held at Gyumri Theater Square dedicated to the Europe Day which was attended by the Mayor of Gyumri Samvel Balasanyan and EU Ambassador Piotr Switalski. Gyumri Youth Initiative Centre also participated in the fair with its interesting pavilion and quiz informing about EU program "Erasmus +" .        See more...

On May 6, YIC General Assembly held the first meeting of 2017. During the meeting the semi-annual report on the activities of the management and controlling bodies (president, international board, controller) of the organization as well as upcoming local and international projects were presented. During the meeting also the awarding ceremony of handing membership cards to YIC new members took place, which was followed by the fun time program.              See more...

On March 17, 2017, another ‘’Friday’s Café’’ took place in YIC on the topic of spring. The guests had an opportunity to listen to live msuic, talk together about symbols of spring, play interesting games and to taste the cakes made by our international volunteers. And of course spring is about flowers which were distributed to our female guests. See more         ...

On February 17, a meeting with Mr. Peter Anton Svitalski, the Ambassador, head of the EU Delegation in Armenia took place in Gyumri Youth Initiative Center NGO . The meeting was attended by students from various educational institutions of Gyumri, representatives of the youth organization, youth experts. During the meeting there were discussed such questions as EU educational apps for young people, regional youth development, visa facilitation for youth mobility and Gyumri asn a tourism center. The meeting was initiated by the European Students' Forum NGO in Yerevan, Gyumri Euro Club and Gyumir Youth Initiative Centre NGO.        See more...