Informative meetings in educational institutions of Shirak region

From 14 to 25th of May  informative meetings took place in Shirak regional state college, Shirak State University and in National Polytechnic University Gyumri Branch. Meetings were organized by Gyumri Youth Initiative Centre (YIC) with the participation of the students and faculty. At the beginning of the meeting the president of the organization Artur Najaryan, PR manager Lilit Sargsyan and the Project Managers Mariam Gharagyozyan and Valya Martirosyan presented the mission of the organization, the main directions and types of activities, as well as local and international opportunities that the organization provides to young people for their educational, cultural, personal and professional development. During the meeting the attendees hat the chanc to meet Christian Kensmark from Denmark and Elina Benz from Germany who came to Armenia in the frames of European Voluntary Service (EVS). They spoke about their voluntary work in Armenia and presented to the students how Armenian young people can use the opportunity and do voluntary work abroad in any member country of European Union.

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