On March 30, an info day was held at Gyumri “Youth Initiative Center’’ NGO. During the meeting with the help of human library method attendees had an opportunity to learn about foundation history of YIC, about its activities and local, international projects implemented by the organization. More than 20 young people from different communities of Shirak region took part in the info meeting.   ...

Contest of Community Development Youth Initiatives “Youth Initiative Fund” is a locally funded project, which aims to 1) Increase the participation and the role of young people in community development processes in Gyumri and 2) Improve the quality of youth life in Gyumri. “Youth Initiative Fund” widens the circle of community active youth and provides them with a safe environment to bring their ideas to life. It provides young people with knowledge, skills and resources they would not be able to access otherwise. By doing so, young people influence their own quality of life, discover their potential as agents of change and, in a long run, get more engaged in th...

TITLE: “Be a Mentor” PLACE: Gyumri, Armenia DATES: April 1 -8, 2018 The Training Course is aimed at empowering 22 European Voluntary Service Mentors from Armenia, Norway, Greece, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, Moldova, Estonia, Italy, Georgia and Ukraine to increase the quality of EVS projects through developing capacities of EVS coordinators and mentors by equipping them with vital methods and tools to support and guide the volunteers towards the development of competences for future employment. The working language of the training course is ENGLISH. Applicants should be at least 18 years old, EVS mentors, EVS coordinators and ex-EVS volunteers who wan...

TITLE: «Волонтёрство в деле сохранения культурного наследия на пространстве СНГ» PLACE: Dushanbe, Tajikistan DATES: May 13-19, 2018 THE MAIN AIM OF THE PROJECT To design a programme in the support of volunteering in the sphere of protecting cultural heritage, To create mechanisms to support and popularize the value of volunteering practices amongst youth, To involve youth in the process of developing and establishing universal values WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: participants should be 18-28 years old socially active young people, youth workers and representatives of cultural sphere who have ex...

On March 2 another ‘’Friday’s Café’’ of Gyumri "Youth Initiatives Center" NGO took place in “Nancy Café”. This time the topic was art. In the warm atmosphere of “Friday’s café” our EVS volunteers with the help of the games and quiz introduced famous artists of Estonia, Slovakia, Germany and the Netherlands to the participants of the cafe. Art cafe hosted Karlen Varderesyan, a young artist from Gyumri, who presented his works and talked about his inspiration sources. ...

On March 1, 2018 the new French clubs for beginners and advanced learners were launched and the first meeting took place with the participants. A warm atmosphere has been created within the group with the help of team-building activities. This is a great start for further effective and interesting work. The club is run by Internationаl "French Civic Service" volunteer in YIC Lydia Vartanian from France. ...

On February 3 and 7, 2018 the new English clubs for beginners and pre-intermidiate learners launched and the first meetings took place with the participants. A warm atmosphere has been created within the groups with the help of team-building activities. This is a great start for further effective and interesting work.     ...

PLACE: Sępólno Krajeńskie, Poland DURATION: April, 2018 - 2019 HOSTING ORGANIZATION: “Stowarzyszenie “Dorośli - Dzieciom” AIM: To empower and assist young people in their personal and social development, to provide a safe and supportive environment for young people to realize and achieve their full potential. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: The program is for 18-30 years old, active, motivated young people with conversational level of English. TO APPLY you need to fill in this form. APPLICATION DEADLINE is March 3, 18:00. In case of further questions you can contact Mariam Gharagyozyan at mariam.gharagyozyan@yic.am or call YIC office with number 09...

We are glad to inform, that Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO announces a new French clubs for beginners and advanced learners. The club will be led by Internationаl "French Civic Service" volunteer in YIC Lydia Vartanian from France. If you want to learn French or improve your knowledge, then hurry up to register online through this link. The deadline for registration is February 27. The first meeting of the clubs will take place on March 1, at 14:00.   In case of questions call 095 91 91 97 (except Mondays and Sundays) or visit YIC office at Shahumyan 69 (Arevamanuk bld, 1st floor)....

TITLE: Social Life PLACE: Chisinau, Moldova DATES: April 20-28, 2018 THE MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: to give the participants handy tools to work with in the future (for example concerning effective and smart time management or how to coordinate and motivate others); to share tips and inspirations for new generation which will lead to a diverse opinion making through our youth; to motivate young people to have initiative and involve in more social activities, such as volunteering in which their leadership skills will develop; to increase cooperation between people; to help young people implement their individuality into society; to develop...