When. July 11-18, 2013 Where: Vardenis, Armenia Aim. Quality mentorship and learning within EVS. Description. “Youth Initiative Centre” YIC NGO with Polish “Youth Development and Integration Association“ organized “Learning for better future” international training course. The training took place in Armenia, Vardenis. 24 participants from 10 countries / Armenia, Portugal, Spain, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Poland and Germany/ took part in the training.      See more  ...

When: November 24 - 30, 2012 Where: Gyumri, Armenia Aim: Developing conflict resolution and negotiaion skills. Description: “Cross Border – Build Bridges” international training was hosted by “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO in Armenia, in November 24-30. The project was organized in the framework of European Comission “Youth in Action” programe. The 30 youngsters from Georgia, Finland, Hungary, Ukraine, Italy, Turkey and Romania had the chance to explore conflict resolution and negotiation types, they had the chance to talk about stereotypes and share their experiences with each other. These was done by using non-formal methods, with the help of p...