On April 24, the hiking organized by the " Youth Initiative Center" NGO took place. The hikers started their journey from the village of Vernashen and reached the Spitakavor monastery complex through the gorge, where they participated in the commemoration of Garegin Nzhdeh, which was accompanied by national song and dance.            ...

“Youth Initiative Centre” NGO (Armenia) in cooperation with ''Exploring Cultural campfire Opportunities (ECCO)" (Norway) is hosting a 7-days training course "The Art of Mentoring" on ESC mentorship in the framework of “Erasmus+” programme from 8th to 15th of April, 2023. The Training Course is aimed at empowering 27 European Solidarity Corps Mentors from Armenia, Norway, Greece, Bulgaria, Jordan, Ukraine, Moldova, Italy, Georgia, Estonia and France to increase the quality of ESC projects through developing capacities of ESC coordinators and mentors by equipping them with vital methods and tools to support and guide the volunteers towards the development of com...

On February 9, an press event was held with journalists and media representatives operating in Shirak marz. During the event, the launch of the media project "Have Your Say" and further actions were presented. The details of the 4-day training course for journalists which will start in the near future and the scope of cooperation with media representatives were particularly emphasized. We thank our media partners for always being by our side and sharing ideas for initiatives and programs aimed at youth development. ”Have Your Say” project is implemented by “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO with the support of Department of State Public Diplomacy Section. &...

As a civil society organisation dealing with youth issues, ‘’Youth Initiative Centre’’ NGO joins the public demand on taking immediate measures to end the blockade of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) lasting more than twenty days. In the morning of December 12, 2022 the Azerbaijani side, under fake environmental pretexts, blocked the Berdzor (Lachin) corridor, the only road connecting Artsakh to Armenia and to the outer world. There is no other way - neither by land, nor by air or by water.  As a result of the Azerbaijani actions, the entire population of Artsakh is facing a humanitarian crisis. Their lives are under threat.  More than 120,000 people are in...

In the frames of “UPSHIFT Gavar and Ijevan” Cultivating Adolescents Growth and Engagement in Community Development programme a “Project Design” training course took place at 2 school in Gavar. 12-18 years old 50 adolescents from Gavar consolidated community participated in the training. 10 teams, who passed the competition of community development youth projects, selected their mentors by lot. Until May 15th with their mentors teams will work on their projects defining the aim, objectives, actions, responsible persons, existing and required recourses. During the final selection event which will take place in the end of May teams will present their ideas fr...

On February 4th, 2022 YIC NGO hosted an international conference at Gyumri Technology Centre in the frames of the closing event of the EU funded Erasmus+ long-term project “Cities of YOUth: Increasing the role of young people in the development of tourism infrastructure”. The conference hosted 20 participants from Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Croatia and Czech Republic, as well as local guests from State and Local authorities, NGO, Tourism and Business field representatives and active young people. The conference launched with opening remarks from YIC President Artur Najaryan, Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Economy of Armenia Sisian Boghossian, deputy govern...

On September 28 we had our last hiking trip of this year. The group’s first destination was Khor Virap monastery, after which they visited Areni Wine Factory for wine tasting, Noravank monastery and finished the trip in picturesque Jermuk. We share the positiv pictures of the trip with our followers, looking forward to your active participation in our upcoming trips. ...

  The capacity building project Towards Effective Humanitarian Volunteering aimed to reinforce the capacities of partners from the South Caucasus region, Balkans, Middle East and various regions in Asia, in different fields linked to humanitarian volunteering management. This project involved three EU partners from France (ADICE), Czech Republic (ADRA Czechia), and Slovakia (ADRA Slovakia); as well as 7 non-EU partners from Kyrgyzstan (IDEA CA), Armenia (YIC), Nepal (WHR), Cambodia (CYA), Lebanon (ADRA Lebanon), Serbia (ADRA Serbia), and North Macedonia (VCS). The TEHV project had two specific objectives: 1. Obtaining the EU Aid Volunteers certification, and 2...

On the 29th of August in the frames of long-term project «Career Orientation Aimed at Community Happiness» (C.O.A.C.H.) Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO held a workshop for youngsters aged 14-18 entitled “Career of my Dream”.  The aim of the workshop was to support young people in defining their goals and coaching them for career orientation. The workshop was held by Emilya Yeganyan, Roza Simonyan and Mariam Darbinyan who were trained in the Czech Republic and Italy in the frames of the C.O.A.C.H. project.  The workshop was held in the format of a “Living Library” during which the representatives of different professions such as IT...

We are happy to announce, that Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO (YIC) launched the 1st edition of the Erasmus+ youth exchange project “Youth Up for Entrepreneurship” in Kobuleti, Georgia. The youth exchange is implemented as part of the long-term project “Cities of YOUth: increasing the role of young people in the development of tourism infrastructure” supported by the Erasmus+ programme and implemented in the consortium of 5 partner countries – Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO - Armenia, Youth Association DRONI – Georgia, Center for Euroinitiatives – Ukraine, The Globe - Czech Republic and Local Action Group (LAG) Vallis Colapis – Croat...