2016թ From March 30 to April 2, the international volunteer of Gyumri "Youth Initiatives Center" NGO Kirstine Knudzen conducted an event dedicated to Hans Christian Andersen's birth and his fairy tales in Shirak Regional Library which brought together a group of schoolchildren. During the event, children had the opportunity to learn more about the writer's life and work. They also heard one of the fairy tales of Andersen, watched a cartoon then illustrated the fairy tale on the papers by drawing.       See more...

On March 31 in Gyumri at V. Achemyan theatre of drama "Gyumri Youth Capital 2016 of Armenia" opening ceremony was held . During the ceremony, minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Ministry gave certificates of appreciation to various non-governmental organizations operating in Gyumri. Certificate of Appreciation was awarded also to the "Youth Initiative Center of Gyumri" NGO for continuous and effective cooperation with the Ministry.          See more...

On February 7, 2016  the events of "Shirak Winter" and "Bun Barekendan" took place in Mother Armenia memorial, where Gyumri Youth Initiative Centre had a participation. The staff, members, local and international volunteers participated in the march from Gyumri Central Park to Mother Armenia. During the march, the participants were wearing the masks of Gyumri's remarkable people, made by our international vulunteers. People also were helped with "bagharjes" cooked by YIC staff. The event was organized by Gyumri municipality.     See more...

On December 28th, 2015 the 7th anniversary of the Gyumri ‘’Youth Iinitiative Centre’’ was celebrated. On that very significant day for the organization Certificates of Appreciation were handed to YIC members, beneficiaries and mentors for their contribution in the organization.     See more...

When. December 28, 2011 Description. On December 28, 2011 a Christmas party was organized in “Gorku 28” restaurant exclusively for the members of YIC NGO. A lot of surprises were prepared for the event both by the staff and the members. There was singing and dancing; the active members of the year, local and international volunteers were awarded with prizes and certificates, YIC staff members received certificates within special nominations. See more  ...

When. December 5, 2011 Description. “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO celebrated International Volunteers Day with an emphasis on the local level volunteering thus manifesting its appreciation for the activity of local volunteers. Those members who were active during the whole year and always had willingness to help were nominated to receive the title of VOLUNTEER from the staff of the organization. Selected volunteers were given cards which gave them a number of advantages for the organization of events and programs. See more  ...

When. November 12, 2011 Description. On November 12, 2011 a presentation about international partnership projects was held in the office of YIC NGO. Those YIC members who had participated in international projects during 2011 introduced the other members the projects they had participated in, their achievements and successes. See more  ...

When. September 1, 2011 Description. On September 1, YIC NGO organized a flashmob “Let’s remember together our bright and colourful childhood” in Rizhkov Street of Gyumri. The participants of the flash-mob came in uniforms of pupils of the first class with bags in their hands. The “Wunderkind” with spectacles and books and “Know-nothing” with untidy hair, in messy clothes and appearance were present; there were also children who were singing and reading poems. During the flashmob the “schoolchildren” were skipping a rope and other outdoor games which reminded about their school-years. See more  ...

When. April 1, 2011 Description. The flashmob which took place on April October 27 in Ridzkov street of Gyumri was devoted to the international day of humour. The aim of the flashmob was having fun and gracing smiles to the passers-by. The mandatory condition for participating in the flashmob was having “a tub” with them because everyone was to sit and wash their feet. All participants had different appearances: with funny clothes, masks and other accessories which made the passers-by smile. See more  ...

When. March 26, 2011 Description. The “Earth Hour” is an international event which has been initiated by “World Wildlife Fund” organization. It is held annually at the end of March and aims at drawing people’s attention to global warming. This year the “Earth Hour” was held on March 26, from 7:30-8:30 PM. “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO also joined the event. During the day YIC members distributed leaflets and posters about the “Earth Hour” which encouraged people to turn off electricity for an hour, from 7:30-8:30 PM. As a result, the lights were off at the mentioned time in many buildings and flats of the town. See more  ...