TITLE: Winds of change PLACE:  Bydgoszcz, Poland DURATION: April 2025 –April 2026 SENDING ORGANIZATION: “Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) NGO HOSTING ORGANIZATION: Fundacja Wiatrak AIM:  The aim is to enhance education, promote cultural values, foster creative thinking through workshops, and support social integration by strengthening community connections. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: The program is for 18-30 years old, initiative, motivated young people with conversational level of English.  TO APPLY you need to send your CV and a motivation letter in English to evsyic@gmail.com  email address.   APPLICATION DEADLINE is February 17, 18:00...

“Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) invites young individuals aged 13-25 to participate in “Online Leadership Schools” which is implemented within the framework of the long-term project “Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia”. “Online Leadership Schools” are scheduled starting from February 8th and will proceed through two flows as follows: First flow: February 8, 15, and 22 Second flow: February 9, 16, and 23   Duration: 3 weeks, one online meeting per week and up to two hours of in-person work. All sessions are scheduled to begin at 12:00 PM and will last 4-5 hours with breaks. Format: Online....

TITLE: ‘’Shades of volunteering” PLACE:  Szeged, Hungary DURATION: March 2025 – June 2025 SENDING ORGANIZATION: “Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) NGO HOSTING ORGANIZATION: TALENTUM  FOUNDATION   AIM:  You will be invited to bring joy especially tokindergartens, schools, elderly people’s homes and disabledpeople’s houses. They appreciate your songs in your language, theywill enjoy dancing and playing with you or make handcraftworkshops with your leading. We are waiting for your proactivityand creative ideas as well. During your volunteering you would alsomake workshops, create funny outdoor activities and sportactivities. In conclus...

On February 4th, 2022 YIC NGO hosted an international conference at Gyumri Technology Centre in the frames of the closing event of the EU funded Erasmus+ long-term project “Cities of YOUth: Increasing the role of young people in the development of tourism infrastructure”. The conference hosted 20 participants from Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Croatia and Czech Republic, as well as local guests from State and Local authorities, NGO, Tourism and Business field representatives and active young people. The conference launched with opening remarks from YIC President Artur Najaryan, Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Economy of Armenia Sisian Boghossian, deputy govern...

We are happy to announce, that Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO (YIC) launched the 1st edition of the Erasmus+ youth exchange project “Youth Up for Entrepreneurship” in Kobuleti, Georgia. The youth exchange is implemented as part of the long-term project “Cities of YOUth: increasing the role of young people in the development of tourism infrastructure” supported by the Erasmus+ programme and implemented in the consortium of 5 partner countries – Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO - Armenia, Youth Association DRONI – Georgia, Center for Euroinitiatives – Ukraine, The Globe - Czech Republic and Local Action Group (LAG) Vallis Colapis – Croat...

We are happy to announce that on May 25-28 of 2021 we held the Midterm Evaluation Meeting of the long-term Erasmus+ programme “Cities of YOUth: Increasing the role of young people in the development of tourism infrastructure”. 11 participants from Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia, Croatia and Czech Republic gathered in Sumy, Ukraine to evaluate the progress of the project and the achieved results and to plan the future activities. In the next phases we are expecting 2 international youth exchange projects in Armenia and Georgia in July and August with the participation of 50 youngsters who currently take part in the coaching sessions at the local level conduct...

One of the most exciting moments about the coaching sessions in the frames of the Erasmus+ longterm project “Cities of YOUth” are the meetings with successful entrepreneurs. On February 6th, 2021 the participants of the coaching sessions in Armenia had their eighth thematic coaching. It was a meeting with the director of Berlin ART Hotel Alexan Ter-Minasyan. During the meeting Ter-Minasyan told his story to entrepreneurship and answered the questions of young people. At the end, he organized a tour in the hotel for the participants....

Entrepreneurship. Who is an entrepreneur? How to promote a product? On 23rd of January 2021 the 7th coaching session in the frames of the Erasmus+ project “Cities of YOUth” was implemented in Gyumri. The topic of the meeting was Entrepreneurship, who is an entrepreneur, how to promote a product. The aim of the coaching session was to discuss with the youngsters the criteria of becoming an entrepreneur, strategies which can be used and the main questions one needs to know if they represent the field of tourism. At the session, the participants had an individual work for building their life path by using the “Ikigai” method. ...

We are happy to announce about launching the coaching of youngsters in the framework of the Erasmus+ project “Cities of YOUth: increasing the role of young people in the development of tourism infrastructure”. The first coaching session took place on June 30th in two groups and aimed at team building, setting the ground and presenting the format and timeline of planned activities. To learn more about our coaching sessions, please follow us. All sanitary measurements were in place to protect from Coronavirus. ...

Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO (YIC) – Armenia, in cooperation with Youth Association DRONI – Georgia, Center for Euroinitiatives – Ukraine, The Globe- Czech Republic and Local Action Group (LAG) Vallis Colapis – Croatia, is hosting a 7-day Capacity Building Training Course for Youth Workers taking place on February 14-21, 2020 in Gyumri, Armenia. There are 20 participants from Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Croatia. The training course is a 7-day mobility activity implemented in the frames of the long-term project “Cities of YOUth: increasing the role of young people in the development of tourism infrastructure” supported by the Er...