Gyumri "Youth Initiative Centre" NGO, in cooperation with "Armenian Caritas" NGO carried out ''Regional Campaign Against Human Trafficking and Illegal Migration" program. In the framework of the project, a training of trainers was held where 8 young people participated from Shirak region. After getting appropriate skills and knowledge and getting involved in the "Regional campaign against illegal migration and trafficking," they became junior trainers in 28 institutions courses of "Illegal Migration and Trafficking" As well, a survey was conducted, which aimed to disclosure the level of interest in migration and trafficking issues at Shirak region. It also included survey...

On March 25, 2016 an iformation day was held in YIC NGO, which aimed to introduce the organization, its activities to the stakeholders and interested people and present them organization's current and implemented projects During the meeting, the attendees heard stories of YIC's new and old members on their path and achievements with YIC.   See more...

         On 12th of August, in 2015, for the first time in Gyumri the International Youth Day was celebrated on the initiative of Youth Initiative Centre NGO with an event under the title “Youth City”. The event was launched in Gyumri Central park, where educationally and culturally oriented NGOs had their own pavilions. The official opening ceremony took place with welcoming and congratulatory speeches of Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO president Artur Najaryan and the head of the Department of Culture and Youth Affairs Artush Mkrtchyan. Then, bead, pottery, costumes ornaments and souvenirs making workshops took place. In the other part of the ...

When. January-September, 2013 Aim. Contributing to the increased informedness and civic activism of the youth in the regions by promoting active participation in the development of youth policy and decision-making processes. Objectives.  To reveal the youth issues in the regions and to clarify the activities of the local government towards encouraging youth participation; To elucidate the activities of the regional youth groups and youth organizations; To provide informaiton on the local and international opportunities for education, personal development and cultural awareness. Description. During the project, the young participants of the proj...