Sep 2014
“We Are Able” youth media project
When. January-September, 2013
Aim. Contributing to the increased informedness and civic activism of the youth in the regions by promoting active participation in the development of youth policy and decision-making processes.
- To reveal the youth issues in the regions and to clarify the activities of the local government towards encouraging youth participation;
- To elucidate the activities of the regional youth groups and youth organizations;
- To provide informaiton on the local and international opportunities for education, personal development and cultural awareness.
Description. During the project, the young participants of the project visited 10 regions of Armenia to make reportages revealing the topics which refer to one of the 10 regions of Armenia and its:
- Youth issues and ways to solve them;
- The active youth groups and youth organzaitions in the region;
- The current opportunities for participaiton in local and international projects.
The project was implemented with the support of Norwegian Royal Embassy.
You can follow the reportages in the official Youtube page of “We are able” programme by following this link