“Volunteering + Action = Change”

When. April – November, 2013
Aim. Raising the value of the voluntary work among the population and recognize its impact on personal and community levels.
  • To raise the spirit and culture of voluntary work, to demonstrate the impact of voluntary work and to develop a positive perception by means of involving different layers of the society in short-term public voluntary initiatives, organizing photo/video exhibitions, essay contests, talks shows on TV, conferences and round table discussions and developing volunteering-promoting audiovisual materials for public use;
  • To introduce the young people of 10 regions of Armenia to the local and international volunteering opportunities;
  • To introduce how to apply voluntary experience for increasing employment opportunities /attitude, skill competence, networking/ reflect upon volunteering as a mechanism for bringing positive change by means of organizing meeting/discussions with the regional employment services and business sector representatives;
  • To contribute to the recognition of the impact of voluntary work by means of promoting open discussions in different communities and through the final public appreciation event with all the volunteers and stakeholders involved in the initiative.
Description: During the 7 months of the campaign the press-conference, presentation of volunteering opportunities,“Home-made food” day, Flashmob “I am a volunteer”, Painting day, Cleaning and Painting day,  Photo contest/exhibition, the Closure event was conducted. During all the public actions which were undertaken the main aim was to spread the idea of volunteering and to raise the culture of pure, ideological volunteering.
The activities were organized in a way that both communities and individuals were involved and were part of the actions and we believe they benefited from the project.
The promotion of volunteering was done constantly during the 7 months all over Armenia. The activities implemented succeeded to involve schools, universities, banks, local governmental institutions and community leaders, NGO sector, youth clubs, aged people, institutions.
The project was implemented with the support of Counerpart Armenia and USAID Armenia.
You can check the reportages and articles about the project by following these links;