Action title: Mapping and Gap Analysis of Civic Education Tools and Practices, 

Job Title: Individual expert-researchers or legal entities in the fields of youth, non-formal and civic education,

Contract modality: Service delivery,

Duration: 4 months (September 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024),

Indicative number of workdays: 29 days (232 hours),

Study coverage: National (the capital and all regions of Armenia).


Aim of the study: Within the framework of the project “Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia,” it is planned to carry out the study and mapping of non-formal education, tools and practices of civic education.

The aim of the study is to identify gaps, shortcomings and opportunities in the use of tools aimed at increasing civic activity and developing leadership skills of young people in Armenia.

The conducted study will be the basis for the following activity “Development of Innovative Civic Education Tools for Non-Formal Learning” (sub-granting) within the framework of the project “Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia”. The study will make it possible to define the directions and priorities of the sub-grant competition to be provided for the development of non-formal learning and civic education tools.


Basis of the study: The study should include the following thematic framework: leadership, civic education aimed at developing and strengthening the capacities of young people, youth organizations and professionals in the field.


Methodology requirements and target groups:

  •         Carry out mapping and study of various tools: platforms, manuals, modules, books and digital applications aimed at increasing the civic activism and development of leadership skills of young people in Armenia.
  •         Conduct a qualitative study involving at least 70 actors from public and private educational institutions, civil society organizations, independent experts, young people (16 to 30 years old) and youth workers.
  •         Explore the strengths, weaknesses, gaps and opportunities of existing tools and practices,
  •         Conduct comprehensive data analysis and generate preliminary conclusions,
  •         Develop a final report (in Armenian, at least 15 pages).

The report summarizing the results of the study will be presented during a special event, in which 40 representatives from civil society organizations, state departments, local government, international organizations and the expert community will participate.

The service provider will work under the direct supervision of the client’s project manager, ensuring that the expected results are delivered in a timely and quality manner.


Expected results and timelines:

  1. Final clarification of the target of the study and presentation of the methodology for the client’s approval,
  2. Recruitment, mapping of existing tools and practices,
  3. Conducting focus group discussions and expert interviews,
  4. Data analysis and presentation of the initial version of the study report to the client,
  5. Based on the client’s observations, finalizing the analytical report and handing it over to the client for pre-print work (editing and design),
  6. Provision of final databases to the client,
  1. Preparation and delivery to the client of the powerpoint presentation of the final results of the study,
  2. Presentation of the study process and final results during a special event.

The total duration of the assignment is 4 months: from September 15, 2023, to January 15, 2024: a total of 29 working days (232 hours).


Requirements for applicants:

In order to participate in this competition, the individual applicant, and in the case of legal entities, the team member/s must meet the following minimum quality standards:

  1. At least 5 years of experience in the field of youth work,
  2. At least 5 years of teaching experience in non-formal education,
  3. Experience in organizing focus group discussions and expert interviews,
  4. Experience in preparation of analytical documents, reports,
  5. Experience in conducting at least 2 similar studies,
  6. Ability to build positive working relationships and collaborate with civil society organizations,
  7. High professional ethics,
  8. Excellent knowledge of oral and written Armenian,
  9. Proficiency in using digital platforms and technologies;
  10.     Ability to fulfil the obligations in a timely manner.


Payment: Payment for the service will be in AMD based on the timesheet submitted by the service provider, and in the case of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, on the basis of the electronic settlement document submitted in addition to the mentioned document.

The current price is set at 200 EUR (the cost of the one-day service) which will be accommodated in AMD equivalent to the fluctuated rate exchange and will be reimbursed adequately. This includes taxes and fees defined by RA legislation.

The EUR – AMD exchange rate will be calculated in accordance with the current exchange rate at the customer’s bank at the time of signing the service contract.


Application procedure: In order to apply for the competition, candidates who meet the requirements must send to youthinaction@yic.am:

  1. Documents certifying the experience of the person conducting the study, and in the case of legal entities, the team’s experience (CV, certificates, written consent of the team member regarding his/her involvement in the study),
  2. Links to field study examples,
  3. Study implementation schedule,
  4. Contact information for at least two guarantors and/or referees, who must be representatives of clients previously conducted studies.

The deadline for submission of the applications is September 1, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.


Evaluation of the applications:

The evaluation of the applications will take place until September 5, 2023.

Only applicants who meet the requirements will be considered.

Candidates who passed the pre-selection will be interviewed by video call.


For more information, you can contact the project coordinator Marieta Gevorgyan by calling +37498712733 or writing to youthinaction@yic.am.

The project “Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia” is a co-funded initiative by the European Union aimed at empowering and educating young people and youth organizations to actively participate in civic and public affairs in Armenia.

The project consortium, led by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in collaboration with World Vision Armenia, the Media Initiatives Center, and the Youth Initiatives Centre, is responsible for implementing the project.