”Regional Campaign Against Human Trafficking and Illegal Migration”

Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO, in cooperation with “Armenian Caritas” NGO carried out ”Regional Campaign Against Human Trafficking and Illegal Migration” program. In the framework of the project, a training of trainers was held where 8 young people participated from Shirak region. After getting appropriate skills and knowledge and getting involved in the “Regional campaign against illegal migration and trafficking,” they became junior trainers in 28 institutions courses of “Illegal Migration and Trafficking” As well, a survey was conducted, which aimed to disclosure the level of interest in migration and trafficking issues at Shirak region. It also included survey with the participants of about 80 young people, from different educational institutions. Within the framework of survey, focus group discussions were conducted with the participation of of circulating migrants, one urban and three rural communities, of local government representatives. After the analysis of the survey workshops on “Illegal migration and trafficking” in 28 eductaional institutions of 14 communities: 500 young people of the age 16-20 participated in the workshops.


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