“Youth Initiative Center” (YIC) NGO invites representatives of the youth sector and local self-government bodies (LGUs) of 24 communities of Armavir, Tavush, Lori, Shirak, Syunik, and Gegharkunik regions to participate in a 50/50 format training on Local Youth Policy organized within the framework of “Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia” Project.

The purpose of the training is to contribute to the development of community youth policies in Armenia through the joint development of the capacities of youth structures and community authorities (in a 50/50 format).

The training covers two main topics: youth participation and youth policy.


What to expect from the training:

-Theoretical knowledge and practical skills in developing and implementing local youth policy within the community.

-Opportunities to establish intra-community and inter-community connections, exchange experiences within a like-minded and peer environment.

-An educational program utilizing non-formal learning methodologies and approaches developed by specialists with extensive experience in the field of youth development.


Who can apply։

-Applications must be submitted on behalf of a community, with the names and information of two nominated participants: one from the youth sector and one from the local government.

-Before applying, both participants must mutually agree to represent their community jointly during and after the training.


The youth sector representative must:

– Be between 16 and 30 years old,

– Reside in the community,

– Be a member of an active youth group, youth organization, youth council, or similar youth-focused organization operating within the community.


The local government representative (LGU) must:

– Be 18 years of age or older,

– Hold responsibility for youth issues in the community,

– Serve as an employee of the municipality, administrative manager, or member of the council of elders.



The training will be held in two groups. Each group will consist of 12 communities, with two representatives from each community.

– First group: June 27 to 30

– Second group: July 17 to 20.

*The distribution of participants into groups will be carried out by the organizers, taking into account the geography of the applicants.



The location of the training is subject to final confirmation. Participants will be accommodated in double and triple rooms.

* Participation is free. Food, accommodation, and transportation expenses of the participants are covered by the organizers.

** Participants will be given a certificate of participation.


Application Procedure:

To apply, please complete the online registration application. The deadline for registration is June 8 at 23:59.

For questions and further details, you can contact the training coordinator, Margarita Grigoryan, by emailing margarit.grigoryan@yic.am or by calling the YIC NGO office at 095 91 91 97. Our office hours are Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 17:00.

“Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development in Armenia” Project is a co-funded initiative by the European Union and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) implemented together with the World Vision Armenia (WVA), Media Initiatives Center (MIC), and Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC).