International Youth Day 2015

On 12th of August, in 2015, for the first time in Gyumri the International Youth Day was celebrated on the initiative of Youth Initiative Centre NGO with an event under the title “Youth City”.
The event was launched in Gyumri Central park, where educationally and culturally oriented NGOs had their own pavilions.

The official opening ceremony took place with welcoming and congratulatory speeches of Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO president Artur Najaryan and the head of the Department of Culture and Youth Affairs Artush Mkrtchyan. Then, bead, pottery, costumes ornaments and souvenirs making workshops took place. In the other part of the park there was an expo exhibition of  youth organizations and educational centres and the presentation about the ‘’European Voluntary Service ‘’ program and its opportunities.

The event ended at 18:30 in Vardanants square with a concert, where the musical bands ”Aratta”, ”The Pillows Family” ”The Pliers” participated.

Let’s remind that in 1999 December 17, UNO General Assembly decided to declare the 12th of August as International Youth Day.

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