Hovhannes Mkrtchyan – YIC member

10402568_1001220466598178_5006211881108073695_n I have heard about YIC since I was in high school. Because of having very little time to have my contribution in the activities of the organization I could not join at the time. I joined YIC in 2015 when I was participating in a training course in Georgia.
With YIC I broadened my perspective of how I can develop my project ideas for farther implementation. To gain more skills I am also taking part in training courses. I am also volunteering in the organization during which I also made many friends. During the all kinds of volunteering projects and training courses I had the chance learn about cultures of different countries, interact with different people and discover myself having quite an easy-going personality.
YIC paved a way for my personal and professional development. YIC enabled me to better assess the quality and value of human relations. YIC is a family for me, where the warmth of the environment, the support of friends and infinite possibilities of mind realization will never cease.
The future of YIC I see filled with busy routine and hard working youth.

Hovhannes Mkrtchyan
20 years old