Gor Khachatryan – EVS VOLUNTEER
Hello, I am Gor Khachatryan. I am 28 years old. I am from Armenia and have a Master’s Degree in Linguistics. I would like to share my first impressions with you about my EVS in Craiova, Romania.
I was always wanted to have EVS experience and this project made my dream come true.
In Armenia, we always keep contact with our sending organization YIC, and with the our supportive coordinator, we didn’t have any problems concerning visa and other documentation. After the pre-departure meeting, I had already a complete idea about the project.
The idea to be in a foreign country, where you don’t know anyone is not so difficult for me, because this is my second experience to be out of my country. Next step was meeting our mentor in Craiova, which also made me feel safe. When we visit the house, several volunteers warmly welcomed us; they made welcome dinner for us, which was also very supportive for me.
As I am with Suzanna Margaryan, who is another EVS volunteer here in Craiova, I never feel alone. This is also another supportive feeling that I have someone who always understands me.
Right now, I’m here for almost 2 weeks and actually, I’m really fine. At work, we are starting to plan our lessons.
I have the impression that this experience will inspire me a lot and I hope to transmit all my passion, about this kind of mobility that we are in now.
I think everything will be day by day more interesting and complete when the full work week will start full with our personal projects and learning the Romanian language.
So I have a very positive attitude so far and hope my positiveness will continue until the end of the project.