TITLE: ImpACT for Nature 

PLACE: Paestum (Salerno), Italy

DATES: 6-16 June, 2022 


In this youth exchange project young people will discuss sustainable development, do volunteering activities for the local community and make videos to promote sustainability. An important focus will be put on the outline of the concept of ecological sustainability, on the development of communication competences and on the activities of intercultural exchange.



  • Create positive experiences on how to become active for the environment;
  • Identify results in form of good practices and interpret them through creating short videos to become multipliers;
  • Raising cultural awareness through cultural exchange and create intercultural connections and friendships;
  • Personal development in self-awareness, improving the relation to nature and raising social and civic competences as well as communication;
  • Sharing concrete follow up activities in the partner regions as a part of the dimension of becoming active.


PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: Armenia, Cyprus, Italy, Romania, Moldova and Belarus.



  • 18-25 years old active young people, youth leaders and volunteers who are eager to share their experience and improve their competences in this field. Participants should be interested in conducting follow-up activities for their peers after the project.  
  • Have intermediary to good level of English communication skills.
  • We are looking for 5 participants from Armenia. The group will be accompanied by 1 team leader.



  • Food and lodging is fully covered.
  • The travel limit for Armenian participants to the venue of the project is 360 EUR. The reimbursement of the travel costs will take place via bank transfer after the end of the project. 
  • Visa and visa related costs will be reimbursed together with travel costs. 
  • Due to Covid-19 situation, participants should be fully vaccinated with one of the following vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstaZeneca, Johnson & Johnson. Costs of the PCR tests if required before entry to Italy, will be reimbursed from the travel costs if it does not exceed the travel budget.  
  • There is participation fee of 35 EUR. YIC members and participants nominated from institutions with agreement to YIC are exempted from the participation fee. 
  • To apply for the project, please go through this link.


THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS:  April 21st, 2022 by 18:00. 

Should you have additional questions, please contact Valya Martirosyan at or call the YIC office by the following phone number: 095 919197 (except Sunday and Monday).