EDUfest Gyumri 2017

IMGP8569On November 16, 2017 the range of events took place in Gyumri dedicated to International Students day. The launch of the events was at Youth Palace where 22 students, studying in higher, secondary professional and educational institutions of Shirak region were handed certificates from Gyumri Municipality and Shirak Regional Government for their high progress in education and social activity.

Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO in cooperation  with “Erasmus+ Youth. Info Centre” in Armenia also had prepared a surprise in the result of which with the principle of draw 3 students were given an opportunity of retraining abroad within the framework of the EU “Erasmus+ Youth” programme in 2018.

The students’ awarding ceremony was followed by EDUfest, which was the first unprecedented educational festival in Gyumri. EDUfest was held by Gyumri “Youth Initiative centre” NGO  in collaboration with  “World Vision Armenia”  at “Hayordats Tun”. During the festival Shirak region governor deputy Seyran Petrosyan, head of the Department of Culture and Youth Affairs of Gyumri Municipality Artush Mkrtchyan,  Gyumri ”Youth Initiative Centre” NGO president Artur Najaryan, “World Vision Armenia” Shirak Regional Development director Hripsime Amirkhanyan and Gyumri “Hayordats Tun” director Astghik Yedigaryan made welcoming speeches.

Within the framework of the event an Expo of educational institutions took place, as well as speeches and discussions about the required professions, e-learning and informal education, scholarships, workshops on educational programs in Armenia and abroad (Wiki Educational Program, Erasmus + Higher Education Program, FLEX Student Exchange Program) took place.

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