On March 2 another ‘’Friday’s Café’’ of Gyumri "Youth Initiatives Center" NGO took place in “Nancy Café”. This time the topic was art. In the warm atmosphere of “Friday’s café” our EVS volunteers with the help of the games and quiz introduced famous artists of Estonia, Slovakia, Germany and the Netherlands to the participants of the cafe. Art cafe hosted Karlen Varderesyan, a young artist from Gyumri, who presented his works and talked about his inspiration sources. ...

On March 1, 2018 the new French clubs for beginners and advanced learners were launched and the first meeting took place with the participants. A warm atmosphere has been created within the group with the help of team-building activities. This is a great start for further effective and interesting work. The club is run by Internationаl "French Civic Service" volunteer in YIC Lydia Vartanian from France. ...

On February 3 and 7, 2018 the new English clubs for beginners and pre-intermidiate learners launched and the first meetings took place with the participants. A warm atmosphere has been created within the groups with the help of team-building activities. This is a great start for further effective and interesting work.     ...

We are glad to inform you that according to the results of tender announced by SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre for the coordination of activities of Erasmus+ Youth. Info Centres, Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre’’ NGO is announced to do the coordination of Erasmus+ Youth. Info Centre in Armenia....

On January 17, Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” and “Shirak Regional State College” SNCO signed a Memorandum of Understanding on youth cooperation. The document was signed by Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO president Artur Najaryan and “Shirak Regional State College” SNCO principal, Emma Petrosyan. The goal of the memorandum is to support strengthening of partnership between the parties, providing opportunity for students and lecturers to participate in YIC NGO partnership programmes organized within the framework of the EU “Erasmus+” programme....

On December 28, Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO celebrated the New Year and the 9th anniversary of the organisation. Not only friends, members and beneficiaries were present on the last event of the year, but also representatives of partner organisations, who had worked and cooperated with YIC throughout the year. Summing up the year Gymuri “Youth Initative Centre”  have rewarded partner organizations, state, media and public sector representatives for good cooperation and for their active participation and support in youth issues. The titles "Member of the Year", "Stuff Member of the Year" and "Best friends of YIC" are also have rewarded. . &...

On December 10th, the 8th meeting of the General Assembly of the Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” was convened, during which the annual reports of Managerial and Supervising Bodies (President, International Board, Controller), the success of the organization and the upcoming actions were presented. Besides some changes concerning to the Charter of the organization have been discussed. During the meeting also the elections of the Managerial and Supervising Bodies of the organization for the next two years took place. The results of the elections are presented below. 41 members from 48 members representing YIC General Assembly participated in the voting (14 of the...

On November 24, the "Friday Café" was held in the Gyumri "Youth Initiatives Center" NGO this time about intercultural topic. The EVS volunteers introduced to the guests the cultures of the countries they are coming from. In the warm atmosphere of “Friday’s café” interesting facts about Estonia, Slovakia, Germany and the Netherlands were presented and due to the games, ethnic music and national sweets guests had an opportunity to discover the cultures of those countries. . .            See more......

August 27, a serial "Friday's cafe" took place in Gyumri YIC NGO, this time it was about retro music. The participants discussed the features of the retro period, enjoyed retro music, tasted cookies made by volunteers  and played musical games, which made the atmosphere warmer and more interesting.        See more...

25 September 2017, Yerevan the EU small grant scheme contracts signing ceremony took place and during which The European Union funded Strong Civil Society Organisations for Stronger Armenia project has awarded small grants for 17 new projects for Armenian CSOs․ We are glad to inform that one of the projects awarded with small grant was “Open youth work: Empowering young people in Gyumri” presented by Gyumri Youth Initiative Centre and Caucasus Research Resource Center-Armenia Foundation. Open Youth Centre will be founded in Gyumri in the framework of the project. More information will be provided soon        See more...