Another ‘’Friday’s Café’’ of Gyumri "Youth Initiative Centre" NGO took place on May 31. This time the topic was Poetry with the spirit of Nature and Art. In a special warm atmosphere the participants of ‘’Friday’s Café’’ presented not only their own works but also the ones of famous authors. EVS volunteers told about their adventurous stories in Armenia. Then EVS volunteer Martina Horníčková shared the secrets of Yoga and Meditation with participants.      ...

On May 26 another hiking was organized by Gyumri “Youth initiative centre" NGO. The first palce which we visited was Rabati Castle. The next stop was beautiful Parvani Lake, it was followed by Vardzi cave, which amazed us with its powerful and spectacular view and the last place of the route was Khertvisi Fortress.  ...

On April 14, in the frames of UNICEF “UPSHIFT Armenia” adolescent development and empowerment prօgramme a “Project Design” training course took place in Gyumri Technological Center. 46 adolescents from Shirak and Lori regions participated in the training. 10 teams, who passed the competition of community development youth projects, selected their mentors by lot. Until May 5 with their mentors teams will work on their projects defining the aim, objectives, actions, responsible persons, existing and required recourses. On May 5 and 6 during the final selection event which will take place in Gyumri the 10 teams will present their ideas from which 5 projects w...

On April 13, mentors’ training of UNICEF “UPSHIFT Armenia” adolescent development and empowerment prօgramme on Project Design took place. During the training course, 5 mentors of the programme had an opportunity to get acquainted with the process of generating ideas, defining goals and objectives of the project, design action and financial plans, and styles of evaluating and monitoring the implementation of the project. The training was conducted by Anna Yeghoyan and Karen Sargsyan. It should be noted that from April to August selected mentors will support groups of adolescents formed within the UNICEF “UPSHIFT Armenia” adolescent development and empow...

On April 12 another ‘’Friday’s Café’’ of Gyumri "Youth Initiatives Center" NGO took place. This time the topic was Music. In the warm atmosphere of “Friday’s café” the participants learned Estonian, Czech, French, Slovakian and Armenian songs and taste A CUP OF MUSIC. And the event was more musical and beautiful with the songs of "Jranerk" music band. ...

On March 28, a press conference dedicated to the "Open Youth Work Recognition" project aimed at promoting an open youth work model in Armenia took place in Dialogue Media Center. During the press conference YIC NGO president, youth expert Artur Najaryan, public policy expert Anna Yeghoyan, youth work expert Karen Terteryan and youth researcher Marina Galstyan presented the need for open youth work in Armenia, as well as the overall goal of the project, upcoming actions and preliminary research data. *The project “Open Youth Work Recognition in Armenia” is implemented by Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO within the framework of the subgrant of the project “Com...

 On March 27, an info day was held at Gyumri “Youth Initiative Center’’ NGO. During the meeting with the help of human library method attendees had an opportunity to learn about activities and local, international projects implemented by the organization. 18 young people took part in the info meeting.              See more......

Օn Murch 23, Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” with “Youth House” Open Youth Center and our volunteers, joined the Clean-up Day. We cleaned the surrounding area of our Youth Centre. The beneficiaries of Emili Aregak Center were also with us. Our good friend EU Ambassador to Armenia Piotr Świtalski also did not stay away from the cleaning work and joined our team.            See more...  ...

On February 25 and 26, we  signed a Memorandums of Understanding on youth cooperation with “Shirak Regional State College” SNCO and National Polytechnic University of Armenia Gyumri Branch The goal of the memorandum is to support strengthening of partnership between the parties, providing opportunity for students and lecturers to participate in YIC NGO international projects.   ...

On February 28 another ‘’Friday’s Café’’ of Gyumri "Youth Initiatives Center" NGO took place. This time the topic was Love. In the warm atmosphere of “Friday’s café” our EVS volunteers presented customs and traditions of Estonia, Slovakia, Czech and Armenia related with celebration of love. The guests also had an opportunity to taste traditional cookies prepared by EVS volunteers and play quiz the topic of which was songs dedicated to love.                       See more...   ...