”Beyond Borders 2017-2019” project launched
On July 4, 2017 Gyumri Youth Initiative Centre NGO and Hrant Dink Foundation announced the launch of the programme ”Beyond Borders 2017-2019”: Turkey-Armenia Dialogue Programmes, Travel Grant and Fellowship Scheme, funded by UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund. A press conference took place during which The Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Judith Farnworth delivered opening remarks. The organizers and guests of the event spoke about Armenia-Turkey cooperation, highlighting the mutual ties between two countries in different fields: science, culture, art, youth and volunteerism, journalism, education, business, etc. As presented by the Beyond Borders project team, within the framework of the Beyond Borders programme, Turkey Armenia Travel Grant aims to support the cross-border mobility of 150 individuals who are willing to visit the neighbouring country for a specific purpose, by covering the round-trip transportation costs. Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme will offer 10 professionals from Armenia and Turkey the opportunity to live and follow a special programme at a specific Host Organisation in the neighbouring country for four to eight months. Turkey-Armenia Dialogue Programmes will be providing an opportunity to design one-week, tailor-made exchange programmes/study visits to build cooperation between professionals in various thematic fields including education, media, health care, technology, youth, culture and arts, civil society. Thanks to the support of the UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund, in 2017-2019, Hrant Dink Foundation, in partnership with Gyumri Youth Initiative Centre, will continue to encourage people-to-people and institutional contacts and exchange of field-specific knowledge between the two neighbouring countries behind the closed border.