”Be employable”

10517586_867820419918062_4708402549004139357_n When: October 18 – 26, 2014

Where: Toros, Shirak region

Aim: To promote youth employability and active citizenship.

Description: Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO in cooperation with Fairbund e.V. (Germany) hosted “Be Employable” international youth exchange in Toros, Shirak region within the framework of the “Erasmus+” programme.

Various meetings, lectures, thematic works, discussions in small and big groups, experience exchange within the frames of the exchange gave youth the opportunity to get acquainted with best working methods and tools and increase workability according to current job market standards. The exchange was also a great chance for the youth to cooperate on international level, to design and implement projects.

During the exchange the participants had the opportunity to get to know Armenian culture and visit Armenian picturesque and historical sites such as Garni, Geghard, Gyumri and RA capital Yerevan. Thanks to cultural events and non-formal meetings organized by the participants other countries’ cultures were presented as well.

The YE brought together 28 young people from Armenia, Georgia, Italy, Germany and Ukraine.


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