Employ your ability

10170774_773739125992859_3280878214295514589_nWhen: May 24 – 31, 2014

Where: Aghveran, Kotayk region

Aim: Assist the workers of youth sector to acquire knowledge and experience exchange in order to increase youth employability.

Description: Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO hosted an international training course in Aghveran in the framework of “Youth in Action” programme. Thanks to experienced trainers and experts the participants were provided with knowledge and skills to link unemployed youth with the job market.

TC gave the participants the chance to discover different realities regarding unemployment situation and share opportunities for youth employment. The participants of the training course also had the opportunity to visit various state, public and business institutions in Armenia to get a closer look on cross-sectoral cooperation opportunities, get to know different state programmes and organizational models of youth employment.

Thanks to various cultural events and non-formal meetings organized by the participants had the opportunity to get to know Armenian culture and other countries’ cultures were presented as well.

The training course brought together 24 youth workers and leaders from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Germany, Italy and Croatia.


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