Youth Initiative Centre, as a non-governmental organization dealing with youth issues, continues to defend the youth agenda in various platforms, including the agenda of thousands of children and young people of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) to freely have their normal and safe life, food, education, free movement and other fundamental rights because of the blockade.

Since December 2022, a massive humanitarian disaster has been taking place in Artsakh. Azerbaijan, disregarding all the norms and requirements of international law, ignoring all the obligations it has undertaken, continues to conduct genocidal policies and actions, keeping Artsakh under blockade. Illegally and criminally closing the only way of life connecting Artsakh to Armenia, the Azerbaijani authorities left 120,000 people to starvation and deprivation. Azerbaijan intentionally subjects the Armenian population of Artsakh to real terror, having only one goal: to subject them to ethnic cleansing, to force 120,000 Armenians to leave their homes, their homeland.

On the occasion of the International Youth Day, once again we draw our attention to international actors and partner organizations to this humanitarian disaster and with the demand for the immediate lifting of the blockade of Artsakh, and we call for the implementation of mechanisms that provide real results to stop the humanitarian crisis.

#RoadOfLife #openArtsakh #artsakh_blockade #InternationalYouthDay