“Cities of YOUth” programme mid term evaluation meeting

We are happy to announce that on May 25-28 of 2021 we held the Midterm Evaluation Meeting of the long-term Erasmus+ programme “Cities of YOUth: Increasing the role of young people in the development of tourism infrastructure”. 11 participants from Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia, Croatia and Czech Republic gathered in Sumy, Ukraine to evaluate the progress of the project and the achieved results and to plan the future activities.

In the next phases we are expecting 2 international youth exchange projects in Armenia and Georgia in July and August with the participation of 50 youngsters who currently take part in the coaching sessions at the local level conducted by the youth workers trained in the frames of this project. The ultimate goal is for young people to come up with business ideas and where possible implement them for the benefit of their communities and the local tourism infrastructure development.

One of the expected activities of the project is also the Study Visit to Croatia with the aim of studying the field of tourism and the best practices on the involvement of young people. There will be 4 participants per country from the youth sector of state and local governance institutions.

The project is implemented by Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO in partnership with Center for Euroinitiatives – Ukraine, Youth Association DRONI – Georgia, Zemekoule, z. s. / The Globe – Czech Republic and Local Action Group (LAG) Vallis Colapis – Croatia.

The meeting followed all epidemiological rules and regulations related to Covid-19.