Nelli Yeghiazaryan

“Bring your country to Hungary”

Hosting organization: Talentum Foundation for the Support of Volunteering
When: July 2019 – May 2020
Where: Szeged, Hungary
Aim: To develop local youth’s cultural sensitivity, increase self-esteem and improve language skills.
Volunteer Name: Nelli Yeghiazaryan,
Volunteer Tasks: To organize various events and trainings with the youngsters in local
community, hold intercultural nights, to be involved in on-going projects and assist the Erasmus +
Youth Exchange organizational team, organize public events.

A brief overview of daily activities of our volunteer Nelli Yeghiazaryan, who is doing volunteering project in Szeged, Hungary.

One of the local medias of Szeged prepared a video reportage about international volunteering. Nelli gave an interview as well telling about her volunteering work, its importance and privileges. We are wishing good luck to our volunteer.
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