
We would like to invite you to a day long non-formal training on environmental education. The training will be run by Cansu Yetisgin within the framework of Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme, implemented by Hrant Dink Foundation and hosted by YIC NGO.

Where and when? Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO, on May 27th, 2017, from 10:00 until 18:30.

What is it about? Throughout the training, we will go out to discover the environment we live in, learn about how does an ecosystem work and fundametal systems, discuss the ethics and morals and learn about the threats Earth is facing. Training will follow interactive methods in which participants lead the learning process and the flow of the sessions. Working language will be English (translation can be provided in special cases).

Who can participate? This training is open for young people aged between 17-25 who are interested to learn about environment. Previous experience or background on environmental education and ecology is not required. Just be open to learn and share what you know with each other!
To join the training, please register here till May 25.
Note: Lunch and snacks will be provided.