The report “Gyumri Youth Situation Analysis” was prepared and published by the Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO in the framework of the “Gyumri Youth Policy Argumentation” project implemented in 2020.

The project was implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia and in cooperation with the Gyumri Municipality, the Swiss Humanitarian Foundation “KAZA” and the Gyumri Technology Center.

The report presents the problems and opportunities related to Gyumri’s youth issues, the necessary priorities for the development of Gyumri’s youth policy and recommendations on the implementation mechanisms of local youth policy.

The work is intended for the relevant departments of the RA government, local governments, international partners, organizations interested in youth issues, experts and a wide range of youth.

The research was carried out by the “Educational Research and Consulting Center”.

The full reproduction, processing or translation of this report in any form may be carried out only with the written consent of ENK NGO. Reproduction of any part of this report is permitted for non-profit, non-commercial purposes only, provided proper reference is made to this source.


“Analysis of the situation of the youth of Gyumri”