YIC annual reporting event 2012

When. February 5, 2013

Description. On February 5, 2013 the annual reporting event 2012 of the organization was organized in YIC NGO office. Representatives from different originations of public sector from and outside Gyumri, local businessmen, the members of Local Advisory Board of YIC NGO, the members and international volunteers of YIC NGO were invited.

The meeting was opened by YIC NGO president Artur Najaryan who welcomed the guests and introduced the aim of the meeting. Later on, one of the founders of YIC NGO, Gurgen Balasanyan spoke about the history and mission of the organization. Nelli Minasyan who is the projects officer of YIC NGO introduced the activities done by the NGO during 2012.

After that, Anna Yegoyan who is the chairperson of the international board of YIC NGO presented an initiative which launched during the event – the “Youth House” fundraising initiative which aims at the long-term organizational development to ensure the continuous accessibility of high-quality services provided by the NGO to more than 200 young people.

The event was closed by tasting the national desserts and drinks prepared by the international volunteers of YIC.

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